Comment préparer Parfait Falafels

Falafels. Falafel (pronounced "fell-off-uhl"), sometimes spelled "felafel" or "felafil," is a deep-fried ball or patty that is made from either chickpeas or fava beans and spices. It is a vegetarian and vegan food and one of the most widely consumed and recognized foods of the Middle East. Falafel, or ta'ameya as we call it in Egypt, is an all-time favorite street food.

Falafels They are best served with pita bread, tomato, onions, and tahini sauce. Falafels are one of those foods that are truly at their best fresh out of the fryer, when they're super crispy on the outside and the inside is piping hot and moist. Once refrigerated, the crust softens and the inside loses moisture. Vous pouvez cuisiner Falafels utilisant 10 Ingrédients et 4 instructions. Voici comment vous réalisez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Falafels

  1. C'est 500 g of pois chiche.
  2. Préparer 2 gousses of d'ail.
  3. C'est 2 cuillères à café of d'huile d'olive.
  4. Préparer of Curry.
  5. C'est of Sel et poivre.
  6. C'est of Sauce (optionnelle).
  7. Vous avez besoin 2 cuillères à soupe of sauce soja.
  8. Vous avez besoin 2 cuillères à soupe of d'huile d'olive.
  9. Préparer 1 of oignon.
  10. C'est 1 cuillère à café of miel.

Dry chickpeas are naturally starchy and will help your falafels to stay well formed. And good news is, you can make the falafel mixture one night in advance and chill overnight. Pour oil into the bottom of a large skillet until it just covers the bottom. Heat until oil is hot enough to sizzle a breadcrumb.

Falafels pas à pas de recette

  1. Mixez les pois chiche, avec l'ail, l'huile, le curry, le sel et le poivre.
  2. Formez des boulettes, les disposer sur une plaque de cuisson.
  3. Faire cuire 20-25 minutes à 180°.
  4. Pour la sauce : émincez les oignons, ajoutez la sauce soja, l'huile et le miel. Bien remuer.

Carefully lift the falafel from the waxed paper using a spatula. Fry a few falafel at a time and do not overcrowd the skillet. A simple salad with chopped veggies dressed in tahini sauce and topped with falafel makes a delicious lunch or dinner. You could also try replacing the pita with lettuce. Traditional falafel is made from ground chickpeas or fava beans, herbs and spices.


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